Why Stop the Project?
This project has the potential to endanger our economy, environment, and the character of Downeast Maine. We will lose so much that we will never get back. Kingfish is about one thing – making money for foreign investors at the expense of Maine people. Maine has a history of being an extraction state, whether it’s our water resources, mining or in this case, our ocean and the ecosystem within it. We ask you to join with us so Jonesport’s people and traditional fisheries are protected and can continue to the benefit of all who live, work, and recreate on the water.
Impact on Chandler Bay
Kingfish has stated that all marine life in the 28 million gallons daily of intake water, such as commercially valuable finfish eggs, shellfish spat, and lobster larvae, would be killed by the system. (Source: Kingfish during a January 2022 Information session.)
Nitrogen Pollution
Kingfish will discharge 1,580 pounds of nitrogen a day. The city of Portland’s discharge is 685 pounds a day seasonally. Increased nitrogen can cause increased algal blooms and can reduce water quality and degrade commercial fisheries. (Source: pg. 20 in ME0037559 W009238-6F-A-N Proposed Draft Fact Sheet)


Environmental Scientists Review Kingfish Operation

March 25, 2022

Letter by David Santillo, Ph.D. detailing the insufficient data presented by Kingfish with which to evaluate actual impacts of their proposed project.

Jonesport Planning Board Letter

February 23, 2022

Letter outlining the deficiencies in the modeling information provided by Kingfish Maine.

Kingfish Maine Approved Chemicals List

Here are the chemicals Kingfish has been approved to use by the Department of Environmental Protection. Click here to learn more about the DEP permit.