SPECIAL REPORT: Analysis casts doubt on financial viability of yet another fish farm
Is the State of Maine being played again by a foreign company making unsustainable promises to build an industrial fish farm in a pristine bay in Downeast?
Protect Downeast works to ensure the health and well-being of this special area of the Maine coast. Our coalition works with fishermen and women, clammers, wormers, residents and all those who care about industrial scale development in the sunrise county. We inform and engage the public in a process that protects the economic future and environment of Downeast Maine.
The Kingfish project in Jonesport should be stopped for some very good reasons. This project will endanger our economy, environment, and the character of Doweast Maine. We will lose so much that we will never get back. Kingfish is about one thing – making money for foreign investors at the expense of Maine people. Maine has a history of being an extraction state whether it’s our water resources, mining or in this case our ocean and the ecosystem within it. We ask you to join with us so Jonesport’s people and traditional fisheries are protected and can continue to the benefit of all who live, work, and recreate on the water.
– Harvester by Glenda Beal
April 10, 2023: Court Filing
March 7, 2023: Board of Appeals decision
February 28 at 6 PM: Appeals Board Hearing on Kingfish application – ratification of earlier vote.
February 15 at 6 PM: Appeals Board Hearing on Kingfish application (held at the Peabody Memorial Library)
February 14 at 6 PM: Appeals Board Hearing on Kingfish application
January 31 at 6 PM: Appeals Board Hearing on Kingfish application
January 26, 2023: Jonesport Appeals Board Filing for Protect Downeast
January 17 at 7 PM: Planning Board Meeting
December 2, 2022: Jonesport Appeals Board Filing for Protect Downeast
Is the State of Maine being played again by a foreign company making unsustainable promises to build an industrial fish farm in a pristine bay in Downeast?
John P.M. Higgins
Financial Consultant
One Union Street – Suite 302
Portland, ME 04101
Tel: (207) 775-7200
In Kingfish’s own Admission Document, risks associated with their business are outlined for investors. These risks “include for instance oxygen depletion, diseases, viruses, bacteria, parasites, algae blooms and other contaminants”
The Kingfish project in Jonesport should be stopped for some very good reasons. This project will endanger our economy, environment, and the character of Doweast Maine. We will lose so much that we will never get back. Kingfish is about one thing – making money for foreign investors at the expense of Maine people. Maine has a history of being an extraction state whether it’s our water resources, mining or in this case our ocean and the ecosystem within it. We ask you to join with us so Jonesport’s people and traditional fisheries are protected and can continue to the benefit of all who live, work, and recreate on the water.